A workshop designed to define the future workplan of the ICSU-IAMP-UNU Urban Health Initiative has just been held in Xiamen, China, hosted by the new chair of the initiative, Franz Gattweiler - the Xiamen Expert Workshop (XEW) on Urban Health and Wellbeing. Executive committee member Jo Boufford attended on behalf of IAMP.
A workshop report will be made available soon.
Groups interested in becoming a 'Programme affliliated research group' on a focal thematic area related to the programme are invited to send in expressions of interest. Such groups will receive adequate prominence and visibility once the programme webpage has been developed. The following immediate opportunities and conferences are of interest:
- Health Systems Research Initiative Call 2
- International Conference on Urban Health 2015 in Dhaka
- The Ideal City, Urbino, Italy. Note that we are stream convenor for stream H1: Understanding Health and Wellbeing Linkages in Urban Systems.