The International Urban Health Summit will take place from 9 to 11 April 2025 at Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, Germany. International experts, young scientists, political decision-makers, heads of non-governmental organisations as well as interested citizens (initiatives) and schoolchildren will come together there to engage in dialogue. The aim is to jointly discuss how the global network of national science academies can contribute to developing and implementing solutions to the challenges of urban health. The following topics will be considered:
- Urban Planning (e.g., governance to create/repurpose public spaces; place-making and community engagement; the value of "green/blue spaces; the "15-Minute City")
- Built Environment (e.g., housing, transportation; digital infrastructure; water and sanitation; energy)
- Natural Environment and Climate Change (e.g., maximizing the natural environment in building design and landscaping; urban gardening and food security; reclaiming and supporting natural environments/land in and around cities; strategies to address heat and air quality in cities; emergency preparedness/resilience for climate change)
- AI for Healthy Cities (e.g., data quality in cities; AI and data for strengthening public health functions and healthcare delivery systems; AI and urban governance)
- Public Engagement in Urban Decision Making (e.g., culture and the arts as a means for promoting participation and community engagement; participatory budgeting; public deliberation; health impact assessments)
- Education and Social Determinants of Health (promoting health literacy and education in urban communities)
- Role Models and Good Practices (exploring successful examples of healthy cities worldwide)
The summit is part of the project "The Role of National Academies in Promoting Urban Health", a project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the Leopoldina in collaboration with the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, supported by the Volkswagen Foundation and the Commonwealth Fund, with input from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Read more here.
In order to register please fill in the form available here.
The application process for early career scientists - here - is now closed.