
Rio de Janeiro, 27-28 March 2006 - EC Meeting



MEMBERS: Co-chairs - Y. Quéré (Académie des Sciences), Chen Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (M. Ahmad), Brazilian Academy of Sciences (E. Krieger), Cuban Academy of Sciences (I. Clark Arxer), Indian National Science Academy (A. Varma), Science Council of Japan (M. Kono), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (E. Vesentini), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (H. Hackmann), Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal (A. Dialy Ndiaye), Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (A. Auraldsson), US National Academy of Sciences (M. Clegg), IAP Secretariat (J. Lacey)

EX OFFICIO: Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) (M.H.A. Hassan)

OBSERVERS: InterAcademy Council (IAC) (J. Campbell) , International Council for Science (ICSU) (H. Chaimovich)

OTHERS: Guo Huadong, Wang Zhenyu, Ling Thompson (Chinese Academy of Sciences), S. Pastrana (Cuban Academy of Sciences), J. Boright (US National Academy of Sciences), J. Fröchen (Académie des Sciences), J. Palis, J. G. Tundisi, P. de Goes (Brazilian Academy of Sciences), A. Koers (IAC), T. Nakanishi, T. Fukui, H. Yamazaki (Science Council of Japan), B. Jones (The Royal Society, UK), H.W. Heldt (Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities), J. Allende (Academia Chilena de Ciencias), R. Arnon (AASA), H. Alper (IANAS), A. Abreu (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).

REGRETS: G. Öquist, G.B. Ogunmola, M. Shoukry, F.P. van Oostrom, and IAMP Co-chairs