
Washington, 29-30 March 2011 - EC Meeting




IAP Executive Committee Meeting


The Keck Center of the National Academies, 500 Fifth Street, NW,




Washington DC

Howard Alper, Canada (HA), Mohamed Hassan, AAS (MH)

EC members:
Andrew Holmes, Australia (AH), Lu Yongxiang, China & IAC (YL) – Tues only, Juan Asenjo, Chile (JA), A Zaidee Laidin, Malaysia (AZL), Sergio Carrà, Italy (SC), Juan Pedro Laclette, Mexico (JPL), Maged Al-Sherbiny, Egypt (MAS), Lorna Casselton, UK (LC), Guy Laval, France (GL), Ralph Cicerone, US (RC), Krishan Lal, India (KL), Mike Clegg, US (MC), M Vijayan, India (MV)

Jacob Palis, TWAS (JP), Volker ter Meulen, EASAC (VTM), Robbert Dijkgraaf, IAC (RD)

In attendance:
John Boright, US (JB), Tracey Elliott, UK (TE), John Campbell, IAC (JC), Paulo de Goes, IAC (PG), Yonglong Lu, China (LY), Fanjin Deng, China (FD), Zhengyu Wang, China (ZW), Joanna Lacey, IAP (JL), Bernie Jones, IAP (BJ).


March 29, 2011
13:00 Working lunch (information exchange with IAC and IAMP)
14:00 Welcome
14:05 – 20:05 Approval of Agenda
14:10 Approval of Minutes of Nov 2010 meeting
14:20 Financial report and forecast
14:25 Report of Secretariat, incl activities of networks
14:40 Report of Membership Committee

Report of Programmes & Strategic Planning Committee

  • Review of progress on SP-II. New project guidelines and process.
15:20 Report of Publications and Communications Committee
15:40 Break
16:00 Administrative issues (coord role, alumni cttee, rapid response cttee)
16:10 Report on Development Advisory Committee
16:20 IAP membership criteria - revised proposal & discussion
16:30 New initiatives 1 (policy & capacity building)
17:30 Adjourn
19:30 Working dinner (networking w IAMP, presentation by Anneke Levelt-Sengers)
March 30, 2011
08:00 Working Breakfast (networking with IAMP)
09:00 New initiatives 2 (science communication)
10:00 Ideas for new working relationships/partnerships
10:30 Break

Policy/other initiative updates

  • 10:50 Food security (TE)
  • 11:00 Population (TE, MC)
  • 11:10 Geoengineering (TE)
  • 11:25 Research Integrity (HA, JC)
  • 11:55 EASAC Science-Policy Dialogue Guidelines (VTM)
  • 12:15 Young scientists @ WEF, and GYA (cochrs)
  • 12:25 Regional capacity-building workshops (cochrs)
  • 12:35 Royal Society report “Knowledge, networks & nations” (TE)
12:40 Next EC meeting (Sudan), Spring 2012 meeting, and teleconferences
12:45 IAP conference & GA - theme, integrated programme & venue
13:00 Working lunch (brainstorming and information exchange with IAMP)

Breakout sessions

  • 14:00 Introduction (cochrs)
  • 14:05 Breakout sessions: grand challenges/ strategic relationships (all)
15:20 Break
15:40 Report back of breakout sessions & discussion
16:30 Consolidated changes approved at last EC meetingq
16:40 Any other business
16:45 Close