IAP Young Physician Leaders Programme

Call for Nominations 2024

IAP is inviting nominations of excellent early-mid career medical doctors (see IAP Young Physician Leaders (YPL) Programme for more details) to participate in its annual leadership training workshop held as a side event to the World Health Summit (WHS) in Berlin in October. Successful candidates will also attend the WHS and become part of a vibrant YPL alumni network. 

Nominations will be accepted from members of the InterAcademy Partnership and the ‘M8 Alliance’ of academic centres.


Professional Profile

University attended, degree obtained (BSc, PhD, MD.),dates; location and dates of any fellowships and/ residencies
Max. 200 words and based on requested criteria

Professional, personal/volunteer activities, no more than 200 words required

No more than 200 words required


Local costs (accommodation, meals and WHS registration) will be covered by the organizers for successful candidates. Nominating organizations from high-income countries are expected to provide some travel support for their nominees. Partial financial support may be available for candidates from low- and middle-income countries.

Will the candidate require partial travel support from IAP?


Nominating Organization (Academy or M8 Alliance member)
Title / Name / Surname


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