The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) aims to finalize five assessments at the sixth session of the IPBES Plenary, in March 2018: four regional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services (for Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe and Central Asia) and the thematic assessment on land degradation and restoration.
IPBES will circulate the draft chapters of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for first review by experts, for a period of eight weeks, from 15 June – 15 August, 2017.
This assessment will be the first global snapshot of the state of the world’s biodiversity in over a decade since the release of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The global assessment will provide decision-makers with the state of knowledge regarding the planet's biodiversity, ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people, as well as the options to protect and use these natural assets more sustainably. Furthermore, the global assessment will provide vital data for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
One of the most important phases in drafting any assessment report is the period in which it is opened for external review by any interested experts including, among others, scientists, decision-makers, practitioners and the holders of indigenous and local knowledge.
For mor information, please see here.