Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly journal published by Arizona State University and The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine devoted to the best writing on policy related to science, technology, and society.
On 22 December it published 'Bridging divides through science diplomacy', an article that highlights how early-career researchers can play key roles in advancing international relations, if given training and opportunities.
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the international community with a series of unprecedented scientific, social, and public policy challenges. Particularly in the early days of the pandemic, the world experienced a shift toward geopolitical tribalism exemplified by nationalistic quests for personal protective equipment, testing supplies, and therapies. Rhetoric focused on “self-reliance” cast a shadow beyond the political and into the scientific, further magnifying perceptions that science is a competitive rather than a collaborative endeavor and increasing concerns that such actions may be encouraging a retreat into research secrecy.
(...) We argue that it is critical to foster international cooperation in the face of global crises. Early-career researchers (ECRs) like us are in a unique position to create new and lasting ties among scientists, with implications for improved international relations and the progress of science more broadly. However, helping ECRs develop the necessary skills requires investment by both research institutions and governments.
You can read the full article on Issues in Science and Technology.