The Scientific Grand Prix, endowed with €275,000, rewards a French or European researcher and his/her team, presenting an ambitious research project on a promising theme specified each year. For 2025, the theme is "Matter in out-of-equilibrium conditions"
Every year, alternatively under the disciplines of the two divisions of Academy of Sciences, the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation of the Institut de France awards a scientific prize based on the recommendations of a jury of the Institut de France members. The "Grand Prix scientifique de la fondation del Duca" will be awarded in 2025. It rewards a French or European researcher and his/her team, French or European, working on "Matter in out-of-equilibrium conditions".
The prize is as follows:
a) 200,000 € to finance the work of the award-winning group,
b) 25,000 € awarded to the director of the research group,
c) 50,000 € (maximum amount paid upon presentation of supporting documents) towards the hiring of one French or foreign postdoctoral researcher to be selected by the group director, no later than two years after the prize is awarded. An activity report must be sent within two months after the end of the contract.
An agreement will be established between the laboratory and the Del Duca Foundation to define the conditions of payment.
The applications must be submitted no later than midnight on Tuesday 18 February 2025.
Read the call here and apply now.