Aiming at advancing global understanding and conservation efforts, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has initiated the process for its second global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Building on the success of the first global assessment, this new undertaking aims to comprehensively assess the state of the world's biodiversity and ecosystems.
The second global assessment, as approved by the IPBES Plenary in decision IPBES-10/1, is set to follow a scope similar to its predecessor, while avoiding redundancy or duplication. For more in-depth information, stakeholders are encouraged to refer to the initial scoping report outlined in annex II of document IPBES/10/10, which can be accessed here.
In accordance with decision IPBES-10/1 and the established procedures for IPBES deliverables, the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel invites Governments and relevant stakeholders to nominate experts who will play a pivotal role in shaping the scope and direction of this assessment.
IPBES is actively seeking experts with expertise spanning natural science, social science and humanities, particularly those with an interdisciplinary background and experience working across various scales, from global to ecosystem-level. Additionally, experts in Indigenous and local knowledge, policy and relevant practitioners are highly encouraged to participate. To ensure a diverse and inclusive group of experts, IPBES is also emphasizing the importance of gender balance in nominations.
All nominated experts (Nominees) must be available to participate in the scoping meeting, tentatively scheduled for March 2024.
Governments, organizations and institutions are urged to submit nominations and there is no requirement for nominating entities to have observer status at the IPBES Plenary.
Nominees are invited to complete the application form and attach their curriculum vitae through the dedicated web portal here. Nominees not yet registered on the IPBES website will need to do so here.
Nominating governments or organizations (Nominators) indicated by the Nominee will receive an email with a link to the nomination form and will be invited to approve and submit the nominations in the web portal.
Nominators and Nominees will receive confirmation via email once the nomination has been submitted.
Experts seeking nomination by a Government are advised to contact their IPBES National Focal Point for country-specific processes or deadlines. The application deadline for Nominees is 12 November 2023 and Nominators should submit nominations by 19 November 2023. Early nominations are encouraged.