We are pleased to inform our network that the recording and slides from the 2024 International Health Lecture, organized by the UK Academy of Medical Sciences and The Lancet, are now available online. Delivered by Professor Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, a leading expert in environmental epidemiology and health impacts from ISGlobal, the lecture addressed the urgent theme of “Climate Crisis, Cities and Health.” It was followed by an engaging panel discussion featuring renowned experts in the fields of climate change, public health and sustainable urban development.
Watch the recording: Gain insights from Prof. Nieuwenhuijsen and the panel on how cities can lead in climate action and explore innovative urban models that promote healthier, climate-friendly living environments. The recording is available here.
Download the lecture slides: View key data, trends and frameworks discussed during the lecture to deepen your understanding of the links between urban living, climate change and public health. Slides are available here.
Read the full lecture manuscript: Now published in The Lancet, this manuscript captures the lecture’s essential themes and insights in detail. The manuscript can be downloaded here.
Additionally, participants can submit their feedback to help organisers enhance future events. The feedback questionnaire is available here.
Read more about the lecture here.