Burundi Council of Young Scientists
Using Science, Technology and Innovation to Improve Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture to Achieve Food Security
Host Academy Lead: David Niyukuri, Co-Chair
Diaspora Fellow: Emery Nibigira, Blaise Pascal University, France; Secretary, Burundi Council of Young Scientists
Ghana Young Academy
Development of a 5-Year Strategic Plan for the Ghana Young Academy
Host Academy Lead: Priscilla Kolibea Mante, Co-Chair
Diaspora Fellow: Alice Matimba, Wellcome Genome Campus, UK; Member, Global Young Academy
Académie Nationale des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
Creation of a Database of the Skills of the Senegalese Diaspora and Definition of a Strategy of Their Mobilization for the Development of Senegal
Host Academy Lead: Mam Binta Gaye, Administrateur de programmes
Diaspora Fellow: Mahamadou Lamine Sagna, Schiller International University, France
Nigerian Academy of Science
Combatting Drug Abuse and Antibiotic Resistance: A Public Lecture
Host Academy Lead: Oladoyin Odubanjo, Executive Secretary
Diaspora Fellow: Sunny E. Ohia, Texas Southern University, USA; Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science
Nigerian Young Academy
Multidisciplinary Research: A Cornerstone for Sustainable Development
Host Academy Lead: Tope Olomola, President
Diaspora Fellow: David Mba, De Montfort University, UK; Foreign Member, Nigerian Academy of Science; Foreign Member, African Academy of Science
South Africa Young Academy of Sciences
Building Science and Policy Capacities of Young Academies of Science
Host Academy Lead: Edith Shikumo, Secretariat
Saleem Badat, The Andrew W Mellon Foundation, USA; Member, Academy of Science of South Africa; Board Member, South Africa Young Academy of Sciences
Sudanese National Academy of Sciences (SNAS)
Developing Approaches for the Incorporation of Nanotechnology in the Science and Engineering Education in the Sudan
Host Academy Lead: Mohamad H A Hassan, President
Diaspora Fellow: Osama O. Awadelkarim, Pennsylvania State University, USA; Fellow, Sudanese National Academy of Sciences