The IAP Annual Report 2019 was published today: you can find it online at https://www.interacademies.org/publication/iap-annual-report-2019. The report not only provides an overview of IAP activities in 2019, with specific sections on activities by affiliated regional networks AASSA, EASAC, IANAS, and NASAC. It also gives evidence of IAP’s focus on providing science advice and promoting cooperation and capacity building among its membership - the world’s merit-based academies of science, medicine and engineering.
IAP, with the vital inputs of our member academies and regional networks, is becoming increasingly recognized for the advice it provides on global, regional and national issues at the interface of science and policy. Over the past three years, we have demonstrated our effectiveness in convening key stakeholders, developing consensus statements and publishing synthesis reports. We look forward to continuing to build on our body of work in providing effective and evidence-based solutions to today’s most pressing problems, and working with other like-minded organisations. Indeed, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that the best available scientific evidence is in the hands of decision makers at every scale, and the academies are among the best placed to help ensure that happens
wrote IAP Presidents Volker ter Meulen and Depei Liu in the report's welcome letter.
You can download the report by clicking here.