IAP is seeking to identify around 20 outstanding young scientists under the age of 40 who are pursuing careers in basic and applied sciences and who show great promise. They should be enthusiastic and articulate with outstanding communication skills and the ability, desire and personality to represent their profession well when interacting with the senior professionals from multiple sectors who will be attending the World Science Forum.
Our aim is to convene a diverse group with multiple specialties and career interests, reflecting a diversity of geographic location and economic status of the representative countries. We especially encourage the nomination of women.
Successful nominees will receive full accommodation and local support during their stay and there will be a contribution towards travel costs for selected participants from developing countries. Candidates from developed countries will be invited to seek travel funds from their nominating academies or other sources.
Potential candidates are invited to provide a 1-page justification on how their research interests fit with the theme of the WSF, “Science for Peace”, and the document should be sent back to (iap@twas.org) along with the completed nomination form (see below) and supporting letter from the academy.
Deadline for receipt of nominations is 15 August 2017 and candidates will be informed by the first week of September.