On 14 October 2024, IAP representatives took part in a vibrant event held at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) that focused on urban health. The opportunity was grasped with many delegates present in Berlin for the ongoing World Health Summit (WHS). The meeting at BBAW brought together distinguished experts from diverse fields—including science, art, architecture, culture, entrepreneurship and politics—to discuss pressing issues related to urban health.
Key points for the upcoming International Urban Health Summit, scheduled for April 2025 at Herrenhausen Palace in Hanover, were outlined, focusing on eight thematic areas, including urban planning and architecture, sustainable transport solutions, mental health, and food and nutrition, among others. The meeting marked a significant step forward in planning for the 2025 Summit.
Participants engaged in an inspiring exchange of ideas, emphasizing the need for a multi-perspective approach to address the challenges of urban health, laying the groundwork for enhanced understanding, communication and collaboration among stakeholders. The discussions were fueled by positive energy and a shared commitment to the holistic implementation of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The organizers extend their gratitude to all attendees for their invaluable contributions, including Jo Boufford, Detlev Ganten, Susanne Moebus, Ole Petter Ottersen, Hiba Boujnah of the Charite Hospital, Berlin, and many others, including two members of the Young Physician Leaders cohort 2024, Aleksandar Stevanovic (Serbia) and Jagath Ranasinghe (Sri Lanka).