Humanity faces a self-inflicted climate crisis of existential proportions. As countries around the world seek to restore economic growth and tackle societal challenges following COVID-19, the world faces a critical choice about whether to double down on old, resource-intensive models of production and consumption, or whether to seize this window of opportunity to help promote a shift to an environmentally and socially sustainable pathway. Science, including both the technical solutions it offers and their effective communication to decision-makers, is key to realising this shift and so creating a sustainable and resilient future for all.
On 5 October 2020, IAP Presients Volker ter Meulen and Depei Liu joined the13th Academy of Science Presidents’ Meeting to discuss academies' responses to the COVID-19 panemic. The online meeting, organised by the Science Council of Japan and the Royal Society, was attended by more than 20 presidents of academies and international organisations from all over the world.