The InterAcademy Partnership on Science Education Programme (IAP SEP) organized the Meeting of Working Group on Fusion of One Belt One Road (OBOR) Civilizations Curriculum Design on 24 August 2018 at National Museum of Thailand in Bangkok during the National Science and Technology Fair 2018.
The objective of holding this meeting was to review the resources, materials and identify the gaps. The working group also deliberated on the way forward and strategies for implementing the Curriculum in the OBOR region. President ECOSF Prof. Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro was invited as member of the Global Council of IAP SEP and participated in the meeting. The working group has developed four modules on land silk road, maritime silk road, Karez/Kanat and architecture. This curriculum aims to demonstrate that no one civilization is superior to another and each has benefited from interactions through trade and travel from others and science is universal. It is envisaged that this curriculum will infuse spirit of peace and friendship for global peace and harmony among our young of all races with understanding that all human beings are same under the skin.
The idea of development of such a curriculum for school kids is to inculcate peace and harmony through evidence based science education for children in the light of the current conflict and increase in violence in societies, and terrorism resulting in atrocities and displaced persons. It is pertinent to mention here that ECOSF is contributing to the development of this curriculum in collaboration with IAP SEP. The last working group meeting was organized by the ECOSF in collaboration with IAP SEP in Islamabad, Pakistan on 9-10 April 2018, where the working group members presented this curriculum based on the framework while highlighting the different aspects of scientific discoveries along the OBOR countries.