
Meet the next generation of IAP Young Physician Leaders: the 2024 cohort is here

Meet 24 outstanding young physicians below the age of 40 from all over the world

Since 2011, the InterAcademy Partnership's Young Physician Leaders (YPL) programme has provided more than 250 outstanding young health professionals with the skills they need to promote health and strengthen health systems around the world.

The young physicians selected to participate in this year’s programme are (click on the names to read the full biographies):

These YPLs, as in previous years, were nominated by members of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the ‘M8 Alliance’ of Academic centres and selected by IAP.

The 2024 cohort will meet in Berlin, Germany, on 11 October 2024, and after the  YPL leadership workshop they will attend the 2024 World Health Summit (WHS), a leading international forum for global health, that will take place in Berlin and virtually from 13 to 15 October 2024. As usual, the IAP YPL will be tasked with preparing a WHS session.

This IAP programme will once more have the collaboration of the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) and the support of the World Health Summit Foundation.

See the full WHS programme here.

Announcing Institution