The Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) announced the publication of The Science Networker volume 8 issue 6. NASAC's ebulletin includes many information regarding its activities and the work it is carrying on together with the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP).
As highlited by NASAC President Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou,
[a]cademies are typically independent, highly committed institutions that recognize and promote excellence and achievement. By definition, academies are merit-based, with members peer reviewed and selected from among the leading scientists predominantly in their country. They are vital civil society institutions that work together on wide- ranging public policy issues, free of vested political and commercial interests. 27 countries in Africa have well established renowned national academies and work together through NASAC on issues of vital national and regional importance. In addition, we are delighted to say that there are now 15 national young academies in Africa, for early career researchers who are committed to science serving society. Many of our members work closely with their respective young academies.
You can download the latest edition of The Science Networker here.