Shaheen Motala-Timol is one of the emerging African leaders in the sciences selected by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Global Young Academy’s Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP) for the Africa Science Policy Fellowship. Supported through the Carnegie Africa project, this programme provided her with a short-term fellowships at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Kigali, Rwanda.
“If internationalisation is defined as “a process to introduce intercultural, international and global dimensions in higher education” (Jane Knight and Hans de Wit), it can be affirmed that internationalisation is solidly embedded in all African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) – Next Einstein Initiative (NEI) processes” she wrote in an article on the African edition of University World News.
Beyond the traditional focus of internationalisation, which are student, faculty and programme mobility, internationalisation is deeply rooted in other aspects such as the governance and management, the funding model and resource mobilisation, the internationalisation of curriculum at home and across Africa, the research and industry initiatives as well as in community outreach and engagement.
AIMS – NEI is a pan-African network of centres of excellence for postgraduate training, research and public engagement in mathematical sciences in fields ranging from public health to information technology, finance and astronomy. It defines itself as an African-lead ecosystem of transformation for the African continent, with a mission to enable the brightest African students to contribute to and lead development in Africa.
You can read the full article here.
Shaheen Motala-Timol is one of the emerging African leaders in the sciences selected by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the Global Young Academy’s Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP) for the Africa Science Policy Fellowship. Supported through the Carnegie Africa project, this programme provided her with a short-term fellowships at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Kigali, Rwanda.
“If internationalisation is defined as “a process to introduce intercultural, international and global dimensions in higher education” (Jane Knight and Hans de Wit), it can be affirmed that internationalisation is solidly embedded in all African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) – Next Einstein Initiative (NEI) processes” she wrote in an article on the African edition of University World News.
Beyond the traditional focus of internationalisation, which are student, faculty and programme mobility, internationalisation is deeply rooted in other aspects such as the governance and management, the funding model and resource mobilisation, the internationalisation of curriculum at home and across Africa, the research and industry initiatives as well as in community outreach and engagement.
AIMS – NEI is a pan-African network of centres of excellence for postgraduate training, research and public engagement in mathematical sciences in fields ranging from public health to information technology, finance and astronomy. It defines itself as an African-lead ecosystem of transformation for the African continent, with a mission to enable the brightest African students to contribute to and lead development in Africa.
You can read the full article here.