Science and Disaster Risk Reduction
IAP and its member academies are working to raise awareness of the need for science to inform disaster risk reduction policies. The current international framework for disaster risk reduction, the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), expires in 2015 and the UN Office for Disaster Risk and Reduction (UNISDR) is now coordinating work to develop a successor framework.
The Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) of the UNISDR has produced a REPORT highlighting the need for science to play an active role in disaster risk reduction and the development of HFA2 by:
- demonstrating that science can inform policy and practice;
- using a problem-solving approach to research that integrates all hazards and disciplines; and
- promoting the translation of knowledge into action;
Case studies that demonstrate the contribution that science can make can be submitted to the STAG at: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/workspace/7935_instructionsforcasestudysubmission.pdf.
Ahead of the agreement of a successor Framework at the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan in March 2015, the Executive Committee of IAP encourages member academies to raise awareness of work currently being carried out internationally to develop a new disaster risk reduction framework and the national science academies to help science to play an active role in developing a robust framework in this area.Key dates and events taking place around the world in the run up to the World Conference can be found HERE, while the proposed elements of a new framework are outlined HERE.
Please keep informing IAP of activities your academy is planning to link science and disaster risk reduction by emailing: iap@twas.org
The International Day for Disaster Reduction in 2013 focused on living with disability and disasters.