Robin Fears, Joachim von Braun and Volker ter Meulen released an article on the achievements of the ongoing IAP project 'Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture' in the Journal: The Lancet Planetary Health.
Malnutrition in its various forms—undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, as well as overweight and obesity—is a problem faced by all countries. Despite substantial advances in the improvement of nutrition in recent decades, large-scale problems persist. The global challenges in attainment of food and nutrition security are compounded by pressures of growing and urbanising populations, climate and other environmental changes, and economic inequity and instability. There have been many reports about these issues—reflecting the complexity of the causes, the consequences for the public burden of disease, and the increasing concerns about sustainability—but also the potential of science and technology to bring change. In this Comment, we concentrate on these transformative opportunities.
For the full article, please see here.