Sudan is, at present, experiencing a serious conflict between two factions of the army, resulting in tremendous damage to human life, property and infrastructure; hospitals and academic institutions are not functioning, and other vital services to the community are practically non-existent in many towns, particularly the capital Khartoum. The country's government is partially paralyzed and unable to pay salaries. At the same time, the destruction of many industrial centres has influenced the flow of essential goods, leading to a sharp rise in unemployment. The intensity of the fighting has blocked many roads, preventing aid from reaching the displaced people, with numbers reaching nearly six million.
This situation has led to the scattering of the students and academic staff, many of whom moved to safe areas where no modern communications are available. As a result, even remote teaching is impossible. The damage to the academic institutions is extensive. The fighting included air power in towns, which destroyed many academic institutions, including buildings and equipment.
We appeal to our colleagues in the national academies, as you play a key role in the development of your countries, and seek to create communication links with your peers around the world to support Sudanese students, researchers and university professors in this difficult period by providing admission to your universities and academic institutions until the crisis is over. We also appeal to you to approach all possible donors in your countries to help us obtain contributions to support the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war.
If you want to know more about the size of the damage and how to provide support and cooperation with Sudanese universities and support their students and researchers, please contact us at info@snas.org.sd.
If your academy, university or government agency is willing to work with us to try and host Sudanese PhD students or scientists/researchers at different stages in their careers, please contact us at info@snas.org.sd (with copy to iap@twas.org).
You have all thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Sudanese National Academy of Sciences,
Professor Mohamed H A Hassan, President of the Sudanese National Academy of Science
E-mail: hassan@ictp.it
Read and download the PDF version of the SNAS letter here.