STEM Women Asia has been launched—providing an online directory of women in Asia and Oceania working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Led by the Australian Academy of Science (the Academy), STEM Women Asia has been developed in partnership with the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) and the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP).
Building on the success of the Academy’s successful Australian version of the STEM Women platform which hosts 3,300 profiles of women, STEM Women Asia extends the STEM Women platform to women in Asia and Oceania.
“STEM Women Asia aims to promote gender equity in STEM by showcasing the breadth of scientific talent in the region and by enabling a diverse range of women to connect with exciting opportunities to progress their careers and personal capabilities,” said Emeritus Professor Cheryl Praeger, Academy Fellow and Chair of the Women in Science and Engineering Committee of AASSA, who oversaw the delivery of the project.
“IAP recognises that women face many barriers to building a STEM career. By creating a profile, STEM Women Asia can increase their visibility to the world and help them access career and development opportunities and join a growing community,” said Professor Krishan Lal, IAP Co-Chair.
Launched with 285 profiles of women from 30 countries across Asia and Oceania already listed on the directory, the Academy and its partners hope to grow the exciting opportunity offered by STEM Women Asia as a platform to increase the representation of all women at all stages of their STEM career.
“This project would not have been possible without the support of the many academies and science organisations from Turkey, India, Thailand, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, who have helped us reach their networks of women in STEM,” said Professor Yoo Hang Kim, President of AASSA.
Dr Pawarat Nontasil from the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center in Thailand is an inaugural member of STEM Women Asia. “I joined STEM Women Asia because I would like to be a mentor for women scientists, and I am supportive of anyone in STEM,” she said.
Dr Suchana Apple Chavanich from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand said “I hope that STEM Women Asia will be a platform for empowering more Asian women and girls in science.”
STEM Women Asia links a diverse range of women with opportunities to progress their careers and personal capabilities such as speaking at conferences, being part of committees and boards, being nominated for awards and being interviewed in the media. Users of the database can search for women in STEM based on their expertise, location and other search fields. Users can create their own shortlist and then message experts directly.
If you are a woman scientist from a country in Asia or Oceania and you wish to create a profile on STEM Women Asia check the eligibility criteria here.
A recent report led by the Australian Academy of Science and supported by the Australian Government, found the COVID-19 pandemic had exacerbated existing gender inequity in the Asia-Pacific STEM Workforce. STEM Women Asia is a practical way to break down barriers women face and support women to stay in STEM.
For more information about STEM Women Asia, email: hello@stemwomen.asia.
Media contact: media@science.org.au - +61 488 766 010
Under the umbrella of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), more than 140 national, regional and global member academies work together to support the vital role of science in seeking evidence-based solutions to the world’s most challenging problems. In particular, IAP harnesses the expertise of the world’s scientific, medical and engineering leaders to advance sound policies, improve public health, promote excellence in science education, and achieve other critical development goals.
IAP’s four regional networks—AASSA, EASAC, IANAS, and NASAC—are responsible for managing and implementing many IAP-funded projects and help make IAP’s work relevant around the world.
The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia is a non-profit international organisation with science, technology and innovation (STI) interests. It consists of scientific and technological academies and science societies in Asia and Oceania. Its current membership is 32 national academies and societies of sciences from 30 countries and one regional academy of engineering and technology.