This week saw the announcement of the next group of 15 independent scientists tasked with drafting the second quadrennial Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR). Hailing from Australia, Botswana, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, Malawi, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Senegal, Sweden, and Trinidad and Tobago, they will serve as a strong evidence-based instrument to support policymakers in promoting sustainable development for all. The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) especially congratulates the two academicians from IAP membership represented on the group: Norichika Kanie (Science Council of Japan) and Jaime Montoya (National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines). Norichika Kanie was a member of the IAP working group on Improving scientific input to global policymaking (2019), and its companion Guide to the SDGs. Jaime Montoya is a member of the IAP COVID-19 Expert Group and was a member of the IAP Open Science Working Group that developed a response to UNESCO’s call for inputs on their draft open science Recommendation.
Building on the first GSDR last year, to which IAP contributed and helped peer review, the second GSDR will report in 2023 and feed into the UN's high-level global review of the SDGs that year. IAP again stands ready to assist this process in any way it can, and in particular encourages its members in the 15 countries to seek out their representatives and offer their support.