
Young Physician Leaders (YPL) Programme 2024: Call for nominations

Nominations will be accepted from members of the InterAcademy Partnership and the ‘M8 Alliance’ of academic centres.

We are very pleased to announce that IAP is seeking candidates for the 2024 IAP Young Physician Leaders (YPL) Programme to be held on 11-13 October 2024 in conjunction with the World Health Summit (WHS) in Berlin, Germany, 13-15 October 2024. The WHS provides a forum within which the YPL will be exposed to an outstanding scientific and policy programme attended by a global group of medical and policy professionals. Previous YPL sessions have been very well received and a directory of alumni along with a series of videos describing the programme are available online.

For more information please see here.

This 2024 annual programme is articulated in three parts:

  1. A specific leadership development programme with a focus on analysing models of leadership with the aim of developing an individual action plan for personal leadership growth.
  2. Participation by the awardees in the Virchow Award ceremony.
  3. Participation by the awardees, including preparation and presentation of a session, in the World Health Summit.

This IAP programme will have the collaboration of a top level training institute (most recently this has been the European School of Management and Technology, ESMT Berlin) and is implemented with the support of the World Health Summit Foundation.

In 2024, three candidates, working on exceptional projects in the non-profit area, will be receiving scholarships from the Fresenius Foundation.

We are seeking to identify about 20 outstanding Young Physician Leaders under the age of 40 who:

  • Are doctors/MDs/physicians;
  • Are pursuing careers in medical education, clinical leadership, public health, health policy and health services management;
  • Show great promise for leadership in their chosen careers;
  • Are enthusiastic, with outstanding communication skills and the ability, desire and personality to represent the medical profession well when interacting with the senior professionals from multiple sectors who will be at tending the World Health Summit.
  • Are willing, after the Berlin experience, to engage with the wider YPL alumni network, e.g. in developing collaborative projects.

We aim to convene a diverse group with multiple specialties and career interests, reflecting a diversity of geographic location and economic status of the representative countries. We especially encourage the nomination of women.

Nominations will be accepted from members of the InterAcademy Partnership and the ‘M8 Alliance’ of academic centres. Each organization can nominate a maximum of two eligible physicians below the age of 40.

Deadline for nominations is Friday 21 June 2024. For your nominations, kindly use the online form here.

A committee of medical and scientific professionals appointed by the IAP Board will review the applications and select the candidates who best fit the criteria outlined above. Successful candidates will be contacted in August 2024 with further details, precise dates and administrative procedures. Nominees who have not been contacted by 1 October can assume that they have not been selected.

Successful candidates will have their local accommodation and meal costs covered and WHS registration will be waived. Participants from low- and middle-income countries will be provided with partial travel support to Berlin, if required. The travel to Berlin of accepted nominees from high-income countries is expected to be covered by the nominating academy/M8 Alliance member.

Announcing Institution