The 2023 Young Physician Leaders (YPL) programme, initiated by IAP, recently wrapped up in the vibrant city of Berlin. This transformative journey, held from 12 to 17 October, coincided with the World Health Summit (WHS), offering a dynamic platform for emerging healthcare leaders.
The Young Physician Leaders (YPL) programme is a flagship initiative by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), implemented in partnership with ESMT Berlin (European School of Management and Technology). This 2023 edition brought together 18 exceptional young physicians from 15 countries and four continents. During six action-packed days, these aspiring healthcare leaders engaged in a comprehensive curriculum designed to bolster their leadership capabilities and address global healthcare policy concerns. The YPL workshop runs immediately prior to and in conjunction with the World Health Summit (WHS), offering a platform for young physicians to enhance their leadership skills, networking opportunities and knowledge within the healthcare sector.
A session on team decision-making, facilitated by ESMT's F. de Vericourt, occupied the morning. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPCamille Mba Maadjhou Berjauline, YPL 2023, is Consultant in diabetology and Lecturer of Epidemiology and Nutrition in Cameroon. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPParticipants shared their leadership experiences under the guidance of Dr. Jo Boufford. Seated is Nomundari Baatar, YPL 2023, Head of the Department of Pathophysiology in Mongolia. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPThe first day concluded with participants' reflections. Penelope Adinku is the first Ghanaian female cardiothoracic surgeon. On her left is Lorenzo Blandi, researcher fellow in Public Health at the University of Pavia, Italy. On her right is Hipolite Temido, consultant with the World Health Organisation. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPThe second day featured a session on ambidextrous leadership conducted by ESMT's Nora Grasselli. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPIAP's 2023 YPL walking their way through the ambidextrous leadership exercise, guided by Nora Grasselli at ESMT Berlin. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPWill all 18 YPL manage to cross the sound labyrinth without speaking to each other and without incurring penalties? Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPOn Saturday 14 October 2023, participants engaged in a session on peer consulting, facilitated by Nora Grasselli. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAP
Participants learned about effective communication during the session titled 'Communicate to Cut-Through - How to Reach Your Audience', where Gavin Henry and Tatjana Gust from the Bayer Foundation shared their insights. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPIrmak Polat, YPL 2023, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, İstanbul University, Turkiye. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPCristina Genovese is Wisen assistant at the Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences, Messina, Italy. Amirul Amzar is Clinical Specialist at the University Malaya Medical Centre. Photo: Sofia Nitti/IAPThe 2023 cohort of the IAP Young Physician Leaders programme in a group photo after receiving their participation certificate, together with Jo Boufford, Nora Grasselli (ESMT Berlin), Sofia Nitti (The InterAcademy Partnership, IAP).
The Interacademy Partnership remains committed to supporting and empowering the future leaders of healthcare worldwide. As the 2023 YPL programme concludes successfully, the IAP looks forward to witnessing the remarkable impact of its participants on the global healthcare landscape.
Dive into the YPL experience and read the detailed profiles of the 2023 cohort here.
Read about the IAP Young Physician Leaders programme here.