Nanshan Zhong
Director, National Clinical Research Center of Respiratory Disease, China

Nanshan Zhong, the Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, has been appointed the head of Senior Expert Group of the National Health Commission and head of Interagency Mechanism Scientific Research Group during the COVID-19. He was the first man to announce in public that there is “human-to-human” COVID-19.
Professor Zhong has organized and participated in the development of a number of Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and management of bronchial asthma, COPD, chronic cough, SARS, high-pathogenic avian flu and COVID-19. Since this March, Professor Zhong has attended more than twenty international webinar meetings on epidemic prevention and control, including the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, Japan, Korea, India, Iraq and Nepal. The meetings aimed to share Chinese experience to help those countries to deal with COVID-19 epidemic, and he also calls for high attention to the spread of novel coronavirus in a number of countries, saying it’s crucial to implement “Four Earlies”: early protection, early detection, early diagnosis, and early isolation.
As invited by the Guangzhou municipal government, Professor Zhong attended the meeting to communicate personal protection advice with 19 foreign students and workers in April, which has conveyed friendliness to the foreign residents in Guangzhou and contributed to the stability and safety of the society, especially to those African countries.
Professor Zhong, shouldering the responsibilities in the outbreak of three coronavirus events this century, has make great efforts in clinical diagnosis, medication, scientific research and governmental strategies. He proposes “One world, one fight” to gather all the resources and strength to fight against the epidemic.
Professor Zhong is a member of the IAP COVID-19 Expert Group, a Group charged with responding to inquiries routed through academies related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic across a broad range of health, social, environmental and other direct and indirect consequences. In 2020 he was included in the 2020 Time' 100 list.