According to the International Labour Organization, 606 million working-age women across the world perform unpaid care work on a full-time basis. In her recently-published book ‘Aidants, ces invisibles’ (‘Caregivers: the invisibles’), Hélène Rossinot sheds light on caregivers and addresses caregivers’ role in our society.
“Informal caregivers are more than just caring relatives. They are the invisible backbones of all healthcare systems” she said.
When will family caregivers be legally recognized? What solutions can be implemented to ease what often becomes a daily struggle? In her book Hélène Rossinot answers these questions and many more, and presents concrete solutions.
Hélène Rossinot was selected in 2015 as IAP Young Physician Leader (YPL), and participated in the tailored workshop on leadership that since 2011 has provided 191 outstanding young health professionals with the skills they need to promote health and strengthen health systems around the world.
“The YPL program gave me a lot of self-confidence!” she said. “Meeting like-minded physicians from all around the globe, realise we all face the same challenges, and discuss together new ways to overcome them was a game changer for me”.
More info on her book (in French) can be found on Le Monde.