Activities in 2003
The French National Science Academy is responsible for two distinct programmes in the field of "Mother and Child Health" in developing countries.
The first one deals with the construction of a web site consisting of information from research teams engaged in the field of infections and mother to child transmission of viruses such as HIV. Online inscriptions are possible at The programme is led by Prof. G. de Thé.
The second deals with efforts to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity. A workshop was held on "Reduction of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Developing Countries" in Paris, France, from 9-10 March 2001, organized by the Académie des Sciences. The programme and list of participants in French can be downloaded as pdf files.
Since then, discussions have been held at the French Foreign Affairs Ministry and a programme was set up in conjunction with other European countries, such as Belgium, and with the World Health Organization (WHO). Actions in this field will be conducted in 17 African countries. The specific contribution of the Académie des Sciences, conducted by Professor A. Capron, will concern the improvement in the education of medical students and medical workers, such as midwives and nurses, the organization of scientific meetings, and the evaluation of the research programmes. For details on the initiative, contact Michel Cohen-Solal at