Topics: Science Education

Project Type: Workshops and training courses

Project Status: Completed

Latest Update: January 2013

Primary Contact:  Mr. Nara Raj Giri and Mr. Shishir Kolakshyapati, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)


As per IAP objectives, the proposed project aims to empower the Science Teachers of Nepal, especially to be demonstrative in teaching; consequently students develop their creativity through the concept of Science. Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) has been organizing training / workshops to facilitate teachers towards achieving the objective on a small scale for the schools in remote areas only.  Through this project NAST wishes to reach out to the teachers of the remaining schools of remote districts of Nepal through Hands-On Training of a Handbook will be prepared  covering the entire training methodology, which will be disseminated to all the remaining Schools of Nepal. This project aims to empower the Secondary Level Teachers of the entire  country over the period of 12 months.

The electronic version of the NAST publication "Empowering Secondary level science teachers for demonstrative teaching practices in Nepal" and the training manual for teachers should be available soon. In the meantime, printed copies can be requested via email -