Academia Boliviana de Medicina
The Bolivian Academy of Medicine was founded under the auspices of the Bolivian College of Medicine, through oficial resolution dated september 21st, 1989.
It is an organization that gathers distinguished medical professionals, devoted to treat critical and reflectively thematics in their areas of action: Health politics, Medical Ethics, Basic and applied research, Medical education and Medical humanities.
Nowadays we have academics in the three more important cities: La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, and we have the purpose to expand to other cities in the country.
We have carried out several activities and meetings at local, national and international level.
We are members of ALANAM (Latin-american Association of National Academies of Medicine), IAMP (Inter Academy Medical Panel) and other institutions.
- Health
- Policy for Science
- Sustainable Development Goals

- Environment & Climate
- Health