Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
The Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana (Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic) was founded on December 20, 1974, and it was recognised and incorporated by a Presidential Decree on June 1975. The Senate Chamber of the Dominican Republic designated the Academy as advisor of the legislative.
The Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana has also signed standing agreements with several universities, and its opinion is requested in legal courts in matters related to the environment and other areas in which an independent expert opinion would be necessary. Since the year 2000 the Academy is also a member of the National Council for Science and Technology.
The Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic is an institution whose mission is the knowledge, promotion, research and dissemination of science and technology in the country, as an essential basis for national, sustainable and independent development. It is a private, nonpartisan and non-profit entity that has existed for thirty-four years.
Objectives, functions and purposes
- Encourage, support and finance research in all areas
- Promote and finance the publication of books and magazines
- Organise periodic events and activities that encourage exchange and debate among Dominican scientists, as well as between them and their colleagues abroad
- Develop concrete initiatives that establish and foster cooperation ties with academies, institutions and scientists around the world
- Make their opinions heard openly and critically about any relevant political, economic or social event that occurs inside or outside the country
- Advise the Dominican State, private companies, NGOs and community organizations, in those areas where the scientific potential of the Academy of Sciences can be useful
- To ensure the protection and defense of natural resources, understood as an unavoidable and vital patrimony of the country, property and wealth that belongs to society as a whole and to future Dominican citizens
- Grant recognition of merit to national scientists who stand out in any field of knowledge, and to foreign scientists who contribute to the progress of science in the country
- To stimulate in the national public a scientific attitude towards life and an interest in scientific activity and its fruits

- Biotechnology & Biosecurity
- Health