Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH)
The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH), the highest scientific and artistic institution in the country, was founded by the Law on the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1966, under the terms of which the Scientific Society (founded 1951), became an institution with the status of Academy. Pursuant to the provisions of the Law and Bylaws, ANUBiH is composed of six departments established in line with selected branches of the sciences and the arts. Each Department is headed by a Secretary, elected by Department members and ratified by the ANUBiH Assembly. The work of the Departments is coordinated by the Assembly and the Presidency of the Academy.
The Departments are authorized to form working groups (Committees and Commissions) that initiate study and evaluate various aspects of scientific and artistic activities. The working groups consist of ANUBIH members as well as other prominent persons from the relevant fields. The working groups are chaired by members of the Academy.