Academy / IAP Member
Lebanese Academy of Sciences
c/o Professor Georges Bahr, University of Balmand, PO Box 33
Amiounm, El-Koura
The Académie des Sciences du Liban (ASL) is an independent institution founded by a decree from the Lebanese Government in August of 2007. The ultimate goals of the ASL are to contribute directly to the growth, invigoration, and dissemination of the sciences in Lebanon. The Academy, as declared in its charter, therefore seeks to achieve this by:
- Providing independent advice and guidance to governmental and private institutions on matters of scientific research and education.
- Encouraging, initiating and aiding research and educational programs in the sciences.
- Helping the dissemination and promulgation of the results of scientific research.
- Facilitating the exchange of ideas and results with similar institutions around the world.
- Bestowing awards and honors on distinguished scientists.
- Exhorting young Lebanese men and women to consider careers in the sciences.
- Strengthening the links between the sciences and society by addressing the needs of the population, public health, the economy and the environment.