Joycie Eulah Abiera

Joycie Eulah Abiera, Philippines
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of the Philippines ñ Philippine General Hospital]
Dr Joycie Eulah Abiera, is a Clinical Associate Professor of the University of the Philippines - College of Medicine, an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Engineering Center (OREC) at Marquette University and the Co-Director of the Motion Analysis Program of the Department of Orthopaedics, University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital. She completed her residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and her fellowship training in Prosthetics and Orthotics at the University of the Philippines ñ Philippine General Hospital. She had her Honorary Fellowship training in Pediatric Prosthetics and Orthotics at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago under Dr Deborah Gaebler-Spira and Dr Stefania Fatone (Research Mentor). She was also a recipient of the Hand Rehabilitation Foundation Educational Program at Philadelphia Hand Center and the Mentorñ Mentee Program with Nancy Hylton at Childrenís Center at Kent. Dr Abiera was also a Cascade Dafo, Inc Funded Fellow and a Physicians for Peace volunteer.
She is also a member of the Research Committee of the Department of Rehabilitation, University of the Philippines ñ Philippine General Hospital. Her research interests have been involved with the management of spasticity, gait analysis, cerebral palsy and pediatric prosthetics and orthotics.