Adnan Bashir
National Institute of Health, Pakistan
Engr. Adnan Bashir received his post graduation degree in Computer Sciences from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan. His specialization is in Health Information Management Systems in respect to modern technologies like machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. His main research interests include health information management systems, hospital information management systems, integration of health and IT. Currently he is working as the IT Expert for Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA for their project at the National Institute of Health, Pakistan. He is currently working to establish a country wide disease surveillance system and has developed a data centre at NIH. He has been participating in different working groups at both national and international level to develop protocols and SOPs relating to Disease Surveillance. He and his team have also successfully developed a number of mobile applications which include Dengue Surveillance System, Data Collection and Reporting Tools for disease surveillance, Knowledge Hub, Vaccine Coverage Application to name a few. In addition to this he has been closely working with partners and stakeholders of NIH like Public Health England, World Health Organization, John Snow Inc, USA Aid and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.