Alain Fischer

Alain Fischer is a physician, professor of pediatric immunology, former director and co-founder of the Imagine Institute of genetic diseases at the Necker-Enfants malades Hospital, and professor emeritus at the Collège de France in the chair of experimental medicine. He is member of the Académie des sciences and the National Academy of Medicine (USA). Alain Fischer's work has led to a better understanding of the development and functions of the immune system and to the development of new therapies for inherited diseases of this system, including gene therapy. In December 2020, Alain Fischer was appointed by the French government president of the steering committee for the vaccine strategy against the Covid-19 pandemic in France. He was thus charged with implementing and explaining the deployment of the vaccine strategy defined by the government. In 2016 Alain Fischer had already been appointed head of the citizens consultation council in charge of proposing solutions to vaccination resistance from certain members of society.
Photo credit: Simon Casanas – Académie des sciences