Alfred A. Oteng-Yeboah
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences

A retired Professor of the University of Ghana. He has taught and trained many students in several universities in Africa, including universities in Nigeria, Kenya and his native Ghana.
He has published extensively in reputable international journals including several feature articles on the Environment and Biodiversity for both local and international audience.
He has chaired many high profile local and international meetings on the environment and biodiversity.
He is a founding bureau member and former Vice-Chair of Intergovernmental science policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), representing Africa.
He chairs the Steering Committee of the International Partnership for Satoyama Inititative (IPSI), since its establishment in 2010.
He chairs the Trusteeship Board of the A Rocha Ghana (ARG), an NGO that advocates for nature and its conservation and sustainable us.
He was named a joint winner of the 2014 international prestigious Midori Prize for Biodiversity.
He has also been named as the recipient of the 2020 IUCN highest conservation award, the John C. Phillips Memorial Medal.
He is a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (GAAS) and currently chairs the Programmes and Anniversary Committee of the Academy.