Amel Hamza-Chaffai

Amel Hamza-Chaffai was born in August 25, 1965 in Sfax. Her education has included an Engineering diploma in Food Science and Technology (1988), a Master Degree in food analysis and analytical chemistry, (1990), a PhD in Biology Engineering, (1993), and an Accreditation to supervise Research in Marine Ecotoxicology, (1999).
Her professional career has been conducted at Sfax University, which she joined in 1993 as assistant Professor. She was nominated as full Professor in 2005. From 2008-2011, she led the department of biology.
She is teaching Zoology and marine ecotoxicology. She is also author of an online course “Zoology of Invertebrates”, published with the virtual University of Tunis in 2007. Moreover, she is invited Professor at Akita University (Japan), University Tecknology (Malaysia), Slovenia and different French Universities (Le Havre, Le Mans, and Caen).
In, 2000, she founded the marine and environmental Toxicology research group. Her main research work focused on marine pollution biomonitoring, biomarkers, endocrine disruptors, and pollution and cancer diseases. She has managed 13 national and international research projects. Pr. Amel Hamza-Chaffai has authored more than 85 scientific papers (Hirsh index 29). In 2007, she received the National Medal of Merit in Education and Science.
She is now the Vice President of the IOC-UNESCO Ocean Decade Task Force Task Force Africa and a Permanent member of “Africa-Europ Strategy Group on Ocean Governance” 2023.
Besides her academic background, she is technician, practitioner and trainer in (Neuro linguistic programming) and interested by personal development, team management and Soft Skills for researchers and graduates.