Amirhossein Takian

Amirhossein Takian (MD PhD FHEA) is Associate Professor and Chair at the Department of Global Health & Public Policy, School of Public Health- Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. He is also Deputy Acting Minister for International Affairs at the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, I. R. Iran, where he is in charge of overseeing the relationship between the Iranian health system, UN agencies and all international and global organizations. Since February 2015, Amir is the communication focal point from Eastern Mediterranean region at the Board of the Global Fund to fight Aids, TB and Malaria, Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, he is a visiting professor of health policy and medical informatics at the school of health and life sciences, Brunel University London- UK. Dr. Takian has a track record research in health policy analysis in the field of primary care, global health, non-communicable diseases, universal health coverage, and ehealth. He was a principal researcher at the national project of evaluating electronic health records in England (2009-2011). Currently, along with pioneer faculty members from University College London, and London School of Economics, Amir is principal investigator in a research project called: Delivering Digital Drugs (D3), funded by UKEPSRC, at the amount of 900,000 GBP. Dr. Takian is a founder member of National Committee for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, MOHME, Iran; a member of National Committee on Social Determinants of Health, MOHME, Iran; member of advisory committee on health information technology (HIT), AcademyHealth, USA; member of editorial board at International Journal of Health Policy and Management; member and Senior Advisor to Scientific Deputy at the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Iran. He has widely published on primary care, NCDs, ehealth, and policy analysis in high impact journals. Amir is lifetime fellow of Higher Education Academy of United Kingdom.