Angelika Messner

Angelika C. Messner, heads the China Center at Kiel University, Germany. Simultaneously she acts as a Visiting professor at Zhejiang University, PR China and as a Guest Professor at Shanghai University for Traditional Chinese Medicine, PR China. She was born and educated in Italy, studied Medicine, Sinology, History of Medicine and Anthropology in Innsbruck, Vienna, Beijing and Freiburg i. Br.In 2010, she was an invited Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. With the support of the German Science Foundation (DFG) she has initiated and coordinated the Villa Vigoni Research Conferences, 2009, 2010 and 2011 on the “Re-Construction of Emotion Knowledge, States of Mind and the Imaginary in Late Imperial China”. These research conferences have helped to create a network between colleagues working in the field of Chinese literary studies and those working in Chinese science and technology as well as in Chinese anthropology studies. In 2014 she organized a seminal International Conference "Alter und Selbstbeschränkung" (Self-Limitation) in cooperation with “Historische Anthropologie, Freiburg” at Kiel University. As Council Member of IASTAM ((International Association for the Study of Asian Medicines) she is currently organizing the ICTAM IX (International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines), August 6-12, 2017 at Kiel University. She is board member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (JESHO) and of the Journal of Chinese Medicine (Shanghai). She has written and published on a wide range of topics, including Chinese science and medicine, the cultural exchange between China and Europe since the 17th century and the relationship between the sacred and the profane in China. Most seminal are her contributions on the History of Medical History in China and on Emotions in China: "Transforming Chinese Hearts, Minds, and Bodies in the Name of Progress, Civility, and Civilization." M. Pernau, H. Jordheim, A. Messner et al. Civilizing Emotions: Concepts in Asia and Europe. Co-authored volume with et al. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 231-249; Angelika C. Messner/editor of the issue on emotions, "Aspects of Emotion in Late Imperial China. Editor's Introduction to the ThematicSection. = Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques LXVI (4), 2013: 893-913; "Towards a History of the Corporeal Dimensions of Emotions: The Case of Pain." Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques LXVI (4), 2013: 943-972; "Contested 'Science' discourses on men in 19th through early 20th century China." In: Progress for Entangled Knowledges. Scientific Discourses and Cultural Difference. Eds. Klaus Hock, Gesa Mackenthun. Waxmann, 2012, 247-264. At Kiel University she is currently the speaker of the research group “Societas Ethologica et Sociologica”, and active member of the research center “Perception and Reception of Finitude”. Simultaneously, she also heads the working group “Participatory Research” for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of disabled people, in Science and Technology Studies. Currently she conducts research on “Aging and Health practices in Chinese Urban Environments” in cooperation with colleagues from the Zhejiang University (Hangzhou).