Oyungoo Badamdorj

Dr Oyungoo Badamdorj is a dermatologist. She graduated Medical University of Mongolia as bachelor in Medicine in 1998. Graduated her master¥s degree at HSUM, Medical doctor¥s degree in 2010 and associate proffessor¥s degree in 2013 respectively. She had worked as an officer in HSUM between 2005 to 2010 and as a senior officer since 2010. During this time she has successfully implemented and organized numbers of projects and events such as developing and evaluating curriculum, developing high education standard, improving student assesment method and getting accreditation for clinical skills development assesment etc. She participated in the long-term and short-term trainings and fellowship programs in different countries United Kingdom, Thailand, South Korea, China, Singapore and etc. She is also a talented writer and has published 3 core curriculums, 2 books and yearbooks and 13 handbooks contributed on many other publicities as an editor and consultant. She is a member of Association of Medical education in Mongolia, Member of ìCBR ñ undergraduate curriculumî, member of Mongolian Coalition against TB and Member of National Gender Committee. She also works as a Secretary of Scientific committee of Medical education and consultant, coordinator and leader of numbers of projects such as ÑEstablishing clinical skills center In HSUMì, ÑSimulation based clinical skills trainingì, ÑFaculty developmentì ÑImproving training qualityì etc, cooperating with ADB, UN, and Global fund and has an excellent feedback about her leadership, teamwork, organizational skills from HSUM, students and every organizations whom she cooperates with. Now her research area is medical education and student assessment. She develops herself constantly not only in medical field but also economics and finance field. She studied in finance and economics school as a financial accountant as well.