Coleen Vogel

Prof Coleen Vogel is a Distinguished Professor at the Global Change Institute at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She is a climatologist by training and has undertaken research in climate change, climate vulnerability and adaptation, with a particular focus on disaster risk reduction and climate variability. She was one of the key contributors to the writing of the Green and White Papers on South African Disaster Management and was a major contributing author for the Disaster Management Act. She was one of the Chapter Lead Authors of the Africa Chapter for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC 4th Assessment Report and was also an author of the Synthesis Report for Policy Makers of the 4th IPCC Assessment Report. She was also a Chapter Author on Human Security for the 5th IPCC assessment report. Prof Vogel has also been involved in various international global environmental change activities. She has been Chair and Vice Chair of a number of international committees. She has received an international award, the Burtoni Award, for her work on climate change advocacy and science of climate change adaptation. Her current research interests include transformative education for global environment change and sustainability, climate change in its broader context and adaptation and disaster risk reduction focusing particularly on the interactions between physical and social dimensions shaping change.