Dakshitha Praneeth Wickramasinghe
Senior Lecturer in Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dr Dakshitha Wickramasinghe obtained his MBBS degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo in 2009, at the top of his class, with first-class honours, five distinctions, and seven medals, including the student of the year award and university award for general merit. He subsequently passed the selection exam for MD surgery and the part II (exit) exams held by the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine of the University of Colombo, receiving the award for the best performer on both occasions. He also completed a Doctor of Medicine (D.M) degree by research on Obstetric Sphincter Injuries.
He was awarded the Diploma and membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2016 and the Fellowship of the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India in 2017. Furthermore, he obtained a Post Graduate Certificate in medical education in 2017. Dr Wickramasinghe is presently reading for a PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Lancaster, UK.
Dr Wickramasinghe is a Senior Lecturer in Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and an Honorary Consultant Surgeon at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, where he fulfils academic, clinical and research roles. He is a member of the executive committee of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, the apical medical association of the country.
In 2012, he developed and coordinated the first certificate course for nurses on stoma care. In 2016, he led a project which translated and validated a tool to Sinhala to measure the Quality of Life (QOL) and then used it to establish the QOL of Sri Lankan patients with colorectal cancer. His research contributions have earned him four merit awards from the National Research Council.
Dr Wickramasinghe has been invited for many television, radio, and newspaper discussions on health-related topics targeting the public and a resource person at conferences and webinars for doctors. He also maintains a patient education YouTube channel, addressing the common knowledge gaps in patients.