Damitha Gunawardane
Consultant Community Physician

Dr.Damitha Gunawardane is a Public health Specialist and a consultant Community Physician in Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. Following his MBBS degree (2007) he had successfully completed his MSc (2011) and MD (2015) in Community Medicine at Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He had work in all three levels of public health institutions (Field level, district level and national level) in Sri Lanka. During that period, he also had involved in public health teaching and training. Further, he had worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Health economics and policy unit of the School of public health, University of Adelaide.As a young public health specialist, he has already contributed to the national level public health initiatives such as Every Newborn Action Plan in Sri Lanka and development of national quality assessment tools on maternal, newborn and child health in curative institutions in Sri Lanka.The best endorsement for his professional leadership at the national level is, the research project he has conducted to analyse the cost for the proposed every newborn action plan in Sri Lanka. He strives to change the lives of people through health technology assessment with a special interest in maternal and child health.