Daniel Murdiyarso

Daniel Murdiyarso has been appointed as the member of AIPI since 2002, then as the Chair of Basic Science Commission, and since July 2023 has been elected as the President of the Academy of Sciences for a period of 2023-2028. He is a Professor from the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), the IPB University; besides, he is also the Principle of Scientists at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Daniel has multitude of achievements, among others in 2022 Daniel received a Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Helsinki, Finland, which is a highest honour from Finland's oldest university. Daniel is one of 30 scientists and public figures from various parts of the world who received that prestigious degree.
Other awards received are the IPCC Nobel Peace Prize Winning as Lead Author/ Main Writer of the IPCC Third Assessment Report and IPCC Special Report on Land-Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (2004), and the 2010 Achmad Bakrie Award of Science Category for Scientific Achievement and Promotion on Science-Policy Dialogues and Land Use and Climate Change.
His PhD was graduated in 1985, from the University of Reading – UK. He was appointed as Deputy Minister of the Environment (2000-2002) and served as the National Focal Point of the UNFCCC and CBD (2002). Daniel has more than 100 scientific articles published in respected peer-reviewed journals. These are related to his expertise in climate change and adaptation, biogeochemical cycles, land use change, global environmental policy, wetland ecology of peat and mangroves.