Djillali Benouar
Professor, University of Sciences and Technologies Houari Boumediene; Chair, Majors Risks, Environment and Sustainable Development, Algerian Academy of Science and Technology

Djillali Benouar is a professor of Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Risk Management at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Director of Research at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at USTHB. He obtained his PhD at Imperial College, University of London (UK) and his Master degree at Stanford University, California (USA) and made his postdoctoral studies at the University of Tokyo (Japan). He is a founding member of the Algerian Academy of Sciences and Technologies (AAST). He received two international awards for his research from UNESCO and Thomson Reuters. He was a member of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Science Committee, member of the Algerian Hazards Network (AHNet) and coordinator of the Periperi U (Partners Enhancing Resilience to People Exposed to Risks), an african consortium, composed of 12 African universities, which is an International Center of Excellence (ICoE) of the IRDR programme. He is a member of several expert groups for Disaster Risk Reduction of the United Nations. He is active in advancing international research collaboration, including membership in several professional societies and organizations. He is a member of the following UN-expert groups: UN-Arab Science and Technology Advisory Group for Disaster Risk Reduction (Ar-STAG), UN-Arab Coordinating Mechanism for Disaster Risk Reduction, UN-Arab Partnership Group Disaster Risk Reduction, UN-Global Risk Assessment Framework (GRAF), UNDRR/ISC Hazard Terminology and Classification Expert Group, and African Union (AU)-Africa Science and Technology Advisory Group for Disaster Risk Reduction (Af-STAG), and UNDRR-ISC Expert Review Group for the Development of a new Global Disaster Risk Reduction Research Agenda towards 2030 and beyond.