Elisha Osati
Internal Medicine physician & President Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT)

Dr. Elisha Osati Biography Dr. Elisha Osati is Internal Medicine Physician at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH). He holds a degree of Doctor Medicine (MD) from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) and Masters of Medicine in Internal Medicine (Mmed. Internal Medicine) from the same University. His areas of interest are in Hematology and blood transfusion, cardiology and Infectious disease and global health. Dr. Osati is currently a President of the Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT). Before him becoming a President he held a post of President-Elect of MAT for the past two years (2016 to 2018). He is also an Alumni of Young Physician Leaders programme of 2018. He has been involved in different conferences, seminars and workshops in health sector in Tanzania and Africa at large. He has been a chairperson of the Organizing committee of MAT National Health Conferences in 2016, 2017 and 2018. National Health Conference is the think tank of the Ministry of Health, community development, Gender, Elderly and Children of Tanzania and President Office Regional Administration and Local Government Authorities division of Health.