Michelle Giles

Dr Michelle Giles is an Infectious Diseases Physician from Melbourne, Australia who works at the Alfred Hospital, the Royal Womenís Hospital and Monash Health. She is also an Associate Professor in the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Department of Infectious Diseases at Monash University. Dr Giles graduated in 1997 from medical school at Monash University, and went on to complete her infectious diseases training including a year focusing on both research and clinical management of infectious diseases in pregnancy. She completed her PhD in 2009 on the topic of ìWomen HIV and reproduction in Australiaî. As an infectious diseases specialist with an interest in infections in pregnancy she currently runs two antenatal infectious diseases clinics and is Director of the Infections in Pregnancy service at Monash Health. She is also the attending infectious diseases physician for Australiaís only multidisciplinary program providing assisted reproduction for HIV serodiscordant couples. Dr Giles has just completed her post doctoral research which involved a prospective study of over 100 pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B infection, examining the immune changes of pregnancy and the effect these have on the natural history of chronic hepatitis B infection during pregnancy and post partum, including the risk for hepatitis flares. She has authored over 35 peer reviewed publications, contributed to 7 book chapters, and spoken at both local and international conferences. She has served as a Director on the Board of the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine and been a member of the Australian Antiretroviral Guidelines Panel. Her ongoing clinical and research activities are in the areas of HIV, infections in pregnancy, viral hepatitis, and maternal immunisation.