Gloria Dubner

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Gloria Dubner graduated in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and received her PhD in Physics from the University of La Plata (Argentina). Her research in astrophysics focuses on the study of supernovae and their remnants in space. She was a Professor at UBA and other universities in Argentina, and a researcher member of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), being the first woman to reach the highest grade (Superior) as a researcher in Astronomy at CONICET. Between 2009 and 2018 she was Director of the Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics (CONICET and UBA). For her work she has been awarded several prizes and recognitions: the "Consecration Prize" and the "Enrique Gaviola Prize" in Astronomy of the ANCEFN; the First Prize in Dissemination of Educational Contents awarded by the UBA; a Laudatory Declaration of the Honorable Senate of the Argentine Nation in recognition of her contributions to astronomical sciences in the country; a Declaration of Outstanding Citizen in the field of Science by the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires for the contributions in education and research and the strong commitment to promote gender equality in the astronomical sciences; and the minor planet 9515-1975 RA2 was named Dubner by the International Astronomical Union in recognition of the personal contribution to Argentine Astronomy. Her work has been featured as cover research on several occasions by leading astrophysical journals.